Worried about inflation? Here are 6 takes for retirement portfolios
by THOR Financial Technologies on November 15, 2023
By: Lynnley Browning Published: April 6, 2022 Panicked about inflation? A little perspective might calm things down. With gasoline prices around $6 a gallon in California and stock and bond markets jittery about the economic effects of geopolitical tensions in Ukraine, the twin forces …
NYSE ETF Education Series: Understanding the ETF Ecosystem
by THOR Financial Technologies on September 08, 2023
ETF discussion at The New York Stock Exchange
NYSE’s ETF Leaders: THOR Financial Technologies’ Brad Roth
by THOR Financial Technologies on April 05, 2023
“What we’re seeing in traditional low volatility is that in periods of market stress, we’re really seeing that those funds are experiencing the full brunt and force of a market drawdown,” Roth said at Exchange 2023.
What's the Fund?: Brad Roth, Chief Investment Officer at Thor Financial Technologies
by THOR Financial Technologies on February 04, 2023
It's the THOR Low Volatility ETF (NYSE Arca: THLV)
#ETFTakeaway, Learn about the THOR Low Volatility ETF with Brad Roth
by THOR Financial Technologies on February 01, 2023
Visit etfcentral.com for more insights and news on the ETF universe
ETF Guide
by THOR Financial Technologies on December 13, 2022
First Look ETF: Trends in Income Markets and Volatility Hedging
TD Ameritrade Network
by THOR Financial Technologies on June 27, 2022
Investors don’t have to live through crippling losses with proper risk mitigation strategies, says Brad Roth. He discusses how markets mixed in a choppy trading session, as well as takeaways from recent market strength. He also talks about how to invest around periods of volatility. H …
TD Ameritrade Network: Risk Management
by THOR Financial Technologies on April 20, 2022
Investors don’t have to live through crippling losses with proper risk mitigation strategies, says Brad Roth. He discusses how markets mixed in a choppy trading session, as well as takeaways from recent market strength. He also talks about how to invest around periods of volatility. H …
WT Finance
by THOR Financial Technologies on August 12, 2021
Technological Advances in the Market & How the Average Portfolio Fails Clients with Bradley Roth
StratiFi & THOR
by THOR Financial Technologies on May 10, 2021
How to manage tail risk in an otherwise passive portfolio